MicroenterpriseMicrofinanceNews Organizational appraisal: Agrarian reform beneficiary organizations SEDPI is working with the Department of Agrarian Reform to build the capacity of agrarian…Vincent RapisuraFebruary 5, 2019
MicroenterpriseMicrofinanceNewsOFW SEDPI Development Associate Application Form Vincent RapisuraFebruary 4, 2019
MicroenterpriseMicrofinanceNewsOFW SEDPI Development Associate Program Vincent RapisuraFebruary 3, 2019
BusinessMicroenterpriseMicrofinance Village banking model: Solution to ARBO financial inclusion While traditional microfinance methodologies have worked and tremendously scaled up in the past 20 years,…Vincent RapisuraJanuary 21, 2019
BusinessMicroenterprise Participation of grassroots-led microenterprises in value chains Most grassroots-led organizations are microenterprises or belong to the informal sector. These organizations may or…Vincent RapisuraJanuary 20, 2019
BusinessFamilyMicroenterprise Challenges microenterprises face in the Philippines The Philippine Statistics Authority reported that 21.6% or approximately 21.9 million Filipinos were poor in…Vincent RapisuraJanuary 19, 2019
BusinessMicroenterpriseMicrofinanceRemittances A Successful Model for Leveraging Migrant Remittances for Rural Development through Microfinance The Philippines received USD17.6 Billion in remittances in 2009. Remittances played an important role for…Vincent RapisuraMarch 26, 2010